At Truly Madly Kids we have a saying about our Make it and Eat it projects. “Nailed it!” we say. What we mean is what an unmitigated disaster that was…. I thought it would be cute to make ghoulish green and pumpkin orange cupcakes decorated with little whimsical bats, ghosts and witch shaped motifs crafted from chocolate sprinkles… what could go wrong with that idea?

I’m ready for your marks out of ten  ..but I think my sons face says it all in the final frame of this photo story.

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2013-10-09_0007I’m awarding myself 1/10 for style and edibility (the icing was truly ghastly and gruesome!) but 8/10 for assuaging Mummy guilt and giving it a go!

Rosie x

Images Rosie Woodhouse @ Love Skye Photography