Make an Upcycled Christmas Decoration!

Make an Upcycled Christmas Decoration!

We love our friends at All by Mama. If you haven’t already discovered them, go look at their fabulous website. It’s a place to help Mums to sell their creative wares, and this in turn means that these mums can work flexibly around the demands of a family...
Developing a Pallet for Trays – Upcycling project

Developing a Pallet for Trays – Upcycling project

For my wedding, some twenty five years ago, my grandfather made us a tray each to have our dinner off as we had no table. I still have the trays but one of them is looking more like a piece of wood now…. I checked out the TMK Pinterest Board and decided to make...
From riches to rags – An easy DIY Chandelier

From riches to rags – An easy DIY Chandelier

For the last few months I have been tripping over – well lots of junk really – as my house is renovated. One big awkward thing in particular is my John Lewis Chandelier. A faithful old friend who used to hang in my bedroom of my old house until I moved...