by Rosie Woodhouse | Jan 15, 2016 | DO IT, EAT IT
Another brilliant question from the children this morning! Tomorrow I leave for a trip to Jordan with World Vision – to learn about the work they are involved in there and to learn and share the stories of some of the 600, 000 Syrian refugees now in Jordan. I...
by Rosie Woodhouse | Jan 8, 2016 | DO IT, Lifestyle ever my 10 and 7 year old get right to the heart of the matter. Why am I going to Jordan? What have I got to offer? Why am I leaving my babies for a week? Next Friday I will be packing up my cameras and heading to Jordan with a small team from World Vision...
by Rosie Woodhouse | Oct 2, 2015 | DO IT, Uncategorized
Thoughts from Rosie (TMK Skye) on when ordinary people do extraordinary things. I’m sure the same thing is happening in warehouses and villages halls all over the UK. Toppling piles of cardboard boxes, mountains of black bags and crates full of water, baby...
by Nat | Sep 7, 2015 | Uncategorized
This is a very personal post and reflects my own personal opinions and feelings on the growing daily news headlines surrounding the Syrian refugee crisis which is being played out on our global news channels like some surreal documentary which unthinkably is very...