by Penny | Dec 8, 2014 | MAKE IT, Uncategorized
The Christmas holidays can be very much an indoor experience if the weather is against us. Here is an easy and festive craft project that will get you outside foraging and then indoors, in the warm, being creative. Ok, the final result may be a cross between a basking...
by Nat | May 1, 2014 | DO IT, Uncategorized
I love craft projects, whether it’s sticking things, sewing, cutting, threading or painting. It’s something I’ve always loved and a great rainy day project with the kids. Boosted by recent successes in making large bed cushion covers, after we...
by Vix | Apr 3, 2014 | LOVES
For a while we we’re lucky enough to live in a lovely Victorian apartment with no neighbours living above us. Then, a noise. Then more noise, and before we knew it there were hairy arsed builders all over the place ruining our quiet haven. There was a skip that...