Image of the Week – Colour

Image of the Week – Colour

So the team have decided to offer you a rainbow of colour this week 🙂 nothing like it to lift the spirits. We had to fight a little for our favourite hues but below is our selection. We’d love you to get involved and create an even bigger rainbow of colour on...
IOTW #17 – Landscapes

IOTW #17 – Landscapes

Landscape photography. The very thought makes even hardened photographers I know throw their hands up in the air. “I can’t do it”, they say,  “my photos look simply NOTHING like the scene in front of me”. Landscapes are a love and a...
Image of the Week #15 – Get up close with macro!

Image of the Week #15 – Get up close with macro!

Macro photography sounds technical, but it simply means extreme close-up photography, usually of very small subjects, which are then shown greater than life size. It’s great fun to do and most point and shoot cameras have a macro setting, which is usually shown...