Easy to make Moonsand

Easy to make Moonsand

EASY TO MAKE MOONSAND And so Moonsand was made after a conversation went a little something like this…. ‘Kids, it’s time for this month’s craft challenge and the theme is to make something sporty, you know, because it’s going to be a...
Just like Mum used to make… Coffee Buns

Just like Mum used to make… Coffee Buns

It’s Friday! Aaaaaah. Here’s a lovely recipe that you can make in time for elevenses or after school tonight with the children. Today’s blog is written by guest blogger Andrew Woodhouse of Landscapes Skye whose writing gains him as many followers as...
Mary Berry saved my marriage..

Mary Berry saved my marriage..

Whoop – GBBO is back! You know that means the Great British Bake Off right.? You couldn’t fail to love the twist and turns, the highs and lows, the breathtaking showstoppers  and the guilty pleasure glee when someone’s bake fails to ascend the dizzy...
Wet day play – the old skool way…making Play dough

Wet day play – the old skool way…making Play dough

Hmmmmmm what to do with a group of children on a wet and miserable day? Make play dough that’s what! It’s super easy, inexpensive and kids love it – it is bright, fun, squishy and good clean fun to make and play with and it lasts about three weeks in...