by Vix | Jan 22, 2016 | DO IT
Valentine’s Craft Activity Christmas is now but a distant memory but last week you would have thought Santa himself had just made a visit to the TMK Northwest HQ. A brown box full of crafty goodness arrived for us from Craft Merrily as Truly Madly Kids are part...
by Penny | Dec 8, 2014 | MAKE IT, Uncategorized
The Christmas holidays can be very much an indoor experience if the weather is against us. Here is an easy and festive craft project that will get you outside foraging and then indoors, in the warm, being creative. Ok, the final result may be a cross between a basking...
by Vix | Oct 14, 2014 | MAKE IT
Spooky goings on have been happening in our house for a couple of weeks. We LOVE Halloween and all the projects that go along with it. This week we’ve made some really simple spooky candle holders that won’t need much in the way of instructions really. If...
by Vix | May 28, 2014 | DO IT, LOVES
There’s only so many times I can let the kids watch Frozen in one day before I start to feel the guilt that I’m not actually doing anything with them. If you’re wondering , that number is 3. When we went to Majorca last year we stayed in a great...
by Penny | Feb 7, 2014 | MAKE IT
Panic! I now have a Boyfriend and therefore the pressure is on to find a perfect and inexpensive gift for Valentine’s Day. Easy, you may think, just invest in a heart shaped muffin tin and follow one of Vix’s amazing cake recipes…. ah no, the BF is...