by Megan Morgan | Jul 24, 2015 | DO IT
Image of the week is being replaced this week by Image of the Summer! All of the ladies at TMK are darting about on our various summer holidays, so we are taking a break from our weekly Image of the Week posts. However, summer is the perfect time to get out and about...
by Nat | Jul 3, 2015 | LOVES
Have you ever wondered how some images create an almost magical dreamy like background of softness? Well, us photographers call that bokeh – posh word for background blur. You’ll notice this in portraits where the subject is sharp but the background is...
by Jo Blackwell | Jun 30, 2015 | Uncategorized
More Musings from my empty nest… I was blown away by your response to my last post, “Letter to my Daughters”. Most of you who commented are in the thick of child rearing right now, whilst I am a grandmother. I think, though, that the connection with...
by Rosie Woodhouse | Dec 17, 2014 | LOVES
The TMK ladies were chatting in the office this week about how we make Christmas “ours” – what were the traditions that our family enjoyed every Christmas that made it just that bit different and special and “simply wouldn’t be Christmas...
by Penny | Dec 8, 2014 | MAKE IT, Uncategorized
The Christmas holidays can be very much an indoor experience if the weather is against us. Here is an easy and festive craft project that will get you outside foraging and then indoors, in the warm, being creative. Ok, the final result may be a cross between a basking...