Origami – I’ve always wanted to give it a go – so when my 5 year old picked up a “how to ” book in the library it seemed like the perfect time to try. We dashed off to the stationers and bought a ream of coloured paper and set off for home full of enthusiasm and anticipation. With typical Mummy bad timing however, I had chosen absolutely the wrong time on the wrong day to attempt this fabulous new craft. 5 year old was “not tired” and “not crabby” after an exciting day including her nursery graduation. We found an excellent series of instructional videos on  you tube here, watched them avidly and then reached for our first piece of paper to make our first fold  – it was going to be a Crane – the origami classic. One fold in cue classic 5 year old melt down. “It’s not right Mummy, it’s all wrong. I don’t like this” accompanied by an angry sliding off my knee and a dramatic flouncy exit from the office.

What to do? Then I had a genius idea. I was due to visit my girfriend for a much overdue chat, glass of wine and eagerly awaited relaxing evening. Perhaps her girls might be interested in origami? And they were! A huge thanks to Kirsty, Katherine and Elspeth, who with very little prompting threw themselves into on line research, folding, re-folding of hearts, cranes, bears, boxes, fortune tellers and fish. Here are the results

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We Mums even had time for  a sneaky glass of wine and some snacks.  I was especially proud of my crane and the frog made in collaboration with Katherine. Mostly I was proud of my 5 year old’s response to my awful effort at a box. “Look Mummy – a nest for the crane”.

Give it a go – I think I may be hooked

Rosie x

Images by Rosie at Love Skye Photography