J’Adore La Maison is a small, compact and bijoux gem of a gift and home wares shop located in the historic town of Wickham in the Meon Valley. Every inch of J’Adore’s fabulous interior is jam-packed with quirky gifts, gorgeous hand crafted items and pre-loved furniture. It is a pure treasure trove of loveliness & absolutely perfect for a vintage addict like me.
Not only is J’Adore full of lovely things, it is also owned and run by two of the loveliest people I know – Sue and Angie. You will always get a warm welcome, a great atmosphere and a plenty of ideas. (You can pay me later ladies … haha!)
Amongst the choice of retro childrens’ games, pretty cushions and hand-crocheted egg cosies you will discover selected vintage finds such as enamel jugs and china dinnerware. And it is all displayed on a wide selection of hand-painted pre-loved furniture, using the brilliant Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™. For those of you who haven’t heard of Annie Sloan, she invented a range of paints especially for women and has revolutionized the way in which we can update and re-use our furniture. Pure genius, in my humble opinion.
Anyway, not only do J’Adore believe that up-cycling is the way forward in the light of the environment (both physically & financially), they also believe in sharing the love & offer a variety of workshops for those of us who are keen to learn new skills. Currently they offer several different paint courses including a Paint Techniques workshop and ‘Drop-in’ sessions. They also offer a hands-on crochet workshop and will soon be offering fresh flower courses (by yours truly) including Budget Blooms and the DIY Bride’s Guide to Wedding Flowers.
So, if you are looking for an unusual gift for someone special, considering updating your home’s look or just want to treat yourself, then make sure that J’Adore is at the top of your list.
Step inside and enjoy the view ….
Say ‘hi’ Sue!
Just take an eyeful at this gorgeousness ….
If you love up-cycling pre-loved furniture and haven’t tried Annie Sloane Paint, your life is just not complete! Try it – it’s amazing.
This dresser is just full of the most delicious ribbons and buttons and if you are ever looking to jaz up your kitchen or chest of drawers, then look no further than this fantastic collection of designer door knobs.
And always keep an eye out for J’Adore’s vintage finds .
Thank you for stopping by and checking out one of Truly Madly’s favourite places.
Love & blue skies
L x
Words: Louise Bowditch
Photography: BlueCloud Photography