One Saturday towards the end of 2012, I was invited along to photograph one of  J’Adore La Maison’s ever-popular Paint Workshops.  Not knowing a single thing about painting furniture, I think I was as excited as the 12 participants who were eagerly awaiting the start of the workshop with paintbrushes in hand.

By way of demonstration and one-to-one tuition, Sue showed all the lovely attendees how to achieve amazing results using different techniques, including using crackle glaze and learning how to decoupage. J’Adore use the brilliant Annie Sloan paint to up-cycle pre-loved furniture and give it a new lease of life.  The paint gives fantastic results and is sooo easy to use – transforming even the most battered and un-loved piece of furniture into a gorgeous new heirloom.

The three hours whizzed by and before I knew it, the workshop was over.  Although I had been behind the camera for most of the time, it was great to see how the different paint techniques were used to great effect.  As well as learning new skills, J’Adore’s ‘students’ had enjoyed a very sociable morning; along the way there were plenty of questions, some spilt paint, lots of laughter and the obligatory cuppa and chocolate biscuit.

J’adore offer several different paint workshops now and I think I might just have to attend one without a camera!  Here’s what J’Adore’s students got up to ….



Annie Sloane paint really is THE paint to use – it comes in a great range of colours and is very easy to use, with no prep involved at all (apart from cleaning the article before hand).  You can tell it was invented by a woman for women to use!


Who would have thought that by cutting up decorative paper napkins you would get such a great effect ….




[stextbox id=”tmk-box”]Check out J’Adore’s current timetable here [/stextbox]

Love & blue skies

L x


Words:  Louise Bowditch

Photographs:  BlueCloud Photography