I read today in the news that this summer has been the coldest in years. Brilliant. As we have endured so much rain this summer, we thought we would dedicate Image of the Week to it!
As photographers, rain poses a few practical issues. How to keep our gear dry whilst still shooting is probably the major headache. Not too bad if it’s light drizzle as our professional cameras are generally weather shielded up to a certain point but for torrential downpours with clients we usually opt to wait for it to pass or re-schedule. However, rain does offer a different opportunity to get creative. If on a family shoot, clients love to literally jump in muddy puddles, especially with children. Capturing these carefree memories of childhood are wonderful. Using glass to reflect the drips running down the window panes whilst the client sits inside a cafe is another alternative to them getting wet. I think you get the idea – we are adept at working in all weather conditions and try to make the most of it. Rain also provides us with a wonderful light as it generally comes with grey clouds. As long as it’s not too dark this creates a “light box” of beautiful soft light all around for wonderful portraits. So you see, as I write this, actually I think I rather like a bit of rain – now and again…
Jess has been making the most of the puddles. Here she is smiling at me while she cools down in one… and I am shouting at her to get out!
A rainy summer holiday in Norfolk! I actually love this image, it really gives the phrase ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather, just unsuitable clothing’ meaning!
A hot and balmy summers day a few years back. There was a storm brewing so I deflated the bouncy castle with seconds to spare and then realised that I was panicking and little Violet was standing still, face up, loving every warm droplet running down her face. Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that give us the most joy.
It’s just as well I love the Alanis Morissette song Ironic, because “rain on your wedding day” sums up my summer on the Isle of Skye this year. Luckily brides and grooms who choose to elope to Skye have a well developed sense of adventure and are always happy to grab boots an umbrella and an armful of sunflowers and go dance in the rain!
So this is an after the rain shot…bit of a cheat but I live in Singapore now and although we do have rain, I’ve not been out shooting when it’s happened yet! I know, give it time right? I’m a little bit obsessed with reflections, this was taken outside the Jade Market in Hong Kong just after a rain shower. I love using water as a mirror and reflecting the world and should do more of it as it’s something that allows you to be creative with a different angle on the world.
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