Let’s get all Noddy Holder! Time to yell ‘It’s Christmas ….!!!’
For the next couple of weeks, Image of the week will be given over to the most wonderful time of the year! Here are a few of our festive snaps, to get you all in the mood! Remember, link up with any photography posts you like! The Christmassy the better!
Well it’s hard getting Christmassey in the tropics, as everyone is in shorts and t-shirts and it just doesn’t feel right! However, I am sharing a beautiful golden tree which was from a recent shoot and got me in the festive spirit. Enjoy!
We decorate for Christmas on 13th December every year – so excitement and anticipation is running high at present! I love this shot from last year when my son took a breather from the endless task of untangling the Christmas tree lights.
We don’t really have loads of traditions for Christmas. However, every year I let the children buy a christmas decoration for the tree. This year my son chose this rather fetching deer, and given what he has chosen some years, I am most grateful for the deer!
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