I love my mother’s garden – she grows the most beautiful plants, which in turn attract all sorts of bees, hoverflies and butterflies. I managed to get a shot of this beautiful butterfly as it rested.
I’m kind of wishing I had a cat now too after the fab shots that Penny’s been getting recently but I have to be content with the amazing Bluebell patch at the bottom of my garden. This is me going for a more arty twist as it’s going to be printed to go on the kitchen wall. 50mm, f2.8, 1/250s
My cat just gets worse! Had the camera on aperture priority and ISO 200 so that I could crop without too much grain.
I hope you will all indulge me to day with not one but two images. My little girl turns 6 today and I thought it would be nice to share her birthday portrait from last year along with one from today. I try and incorporate elements to each birthday portrait that represents my child and something about this stage of her life. Last year a nursery girl twirling in a party dress with a new “huggle buggle” cuddly toy. This year a schoolgirl in tomboy poloshirt and trousers, with hair everywhere but in it’s clasp and her first wobbly tooth. The attitude is unchanged.
Both images shot on my 5D, 50mm, F 2.8. ISO 800 s/s 1/80
A different view of a very famous Australian landmark. No editing, straight out of camera as shot. I climbed to the top terrace of the Sydney Opera House to catch this shot, I was taken by the architectural form and shape of the building and took tons of shots but this is one of my favourites because it’s not the normal image you see of this building.