This week our images are on the theme of Brave and thank you to our two guest contributors Katie and Katherine.
Gutted that I hadn’t taken a picture of a native American Indian last weekend when I had the chance, I have chosen to show you how brave I am, taking a picture that required me to get very close to this spider! It is carrying it’s eggs underneath its body to protect them from me while I destroy its natural habitat… gardening.
When the sun shines in Cornwall (and in fact even when it doesn’t shine) there is always plenty to do. We try to encourage the kids to be adventurous and take some minor risks when we are out walking or playing on the beach. They have developed quite a passion for rock scrambling. This is Grace, half way up and half way down. I’m not sure who was more scared – me or her! She was certainly brave. (PS. You can’t see him, but her is standing right below her, just in case!)
This week two girls left us after living with our family for 10 months. I asked them if they would write about their experience of being in England for this year in a book that I hope future students will also sign. Scarlett didn’t want to read it as she had a feeling she end up bawling as she was already missing them both madly. I love this photo because she was eventually brave enough to read it but also because of the look on Violet’s face is of deep concern for her sister as her voice was starting to crack reading it out to us.
I’ve taken a very lighthearted look at this week’s theme. This chap was brave climbing inside in a kilt with a photographer and his new bride standing by to catch any mishap he might have. Happily it all went well but I’m sure it’s the kind of moment my insurance company may be less than pleased with.
We recently got a puppy: The cat was not impressed. She mainly runs off and hides from the dog, but this week she has been fighting back! She has actually got quite BRAVE and swiped at him a few times. Sadly, the puppy thinks she is playing and chases her even more …
I went to my first ever F1 race last year in Singapore and had bought a new lens just for the event. I cannot imagine just how scary it is to race around the tarmac at the speeds these guys were racing and the exhilaration of feeling the vibrations of the ground as they thundered past.
Katherine Ebbs
Katherine sent us this picture of Harry and his first encounter with a snake, a big snake at that! He gets my vote for the bravest here!!!! Thank you for being brave enough to share your picture too. Katherine.