The Science Museum have set up a pop store at Bluewater in Kent in the run up to Christmas. My children and I popped along to have a browse and a play.

The first thing that was struck me was how inviting the shop is: It is a whirlwind of activity – there are hands on activities for the kids to play, lots of toys out and it generally seems to be a busy place! Added to this, at certain times of the day, a real life scientist (he writes books and everything!) performs science shows, where the kids get involved too. At the show we saw, the kids made rockets using alka seltzers which then exploded into the sky! Cue impressed kids and parents ducking for cover …


The range of goods there is outstanding. It gets a star from me as it’s not the normal tat on offer, as the manager Darren said, the kids play with these things but there is actually some education behind them. I was particularly impressed by the range of low cost items which are ideal for any stocking. Particular favourites were the spy glasses and the (best selling) putty, although I will say this stuff is a b**gger to get out of duvet covers. But the kids love it!



The kids had a good wander around and the things that caught their attention was a metal detector (I am hoping they find gold on the streets of SW London with this), a renewable energy kit (brilliant!) among others.

science museum pop up shop, christmas gifts

The manager’s choice was this metal ring thing – that acts like a slinky as it moves up and down your limbs and changes shape. In spite of my sceptism, his dexterity and the kids passing it from one to the another was actually quite entertaining.

science pop up shop, Christmas presents

Of course, it is not all for the kids. There is an adult section too! Of course, cocktail making is a science, so it seems perfectly reasonable to buy a Quench Cocktail Shaker or a mojito kit. There also gems such a test tube spice rack or a science flask vinegar and oil jars. Brilliant.


This shop is well worth a trip to Bluewater if you are close by – and the gifts really are a little different and well, a bit more exciting!

Thank you for having myself and the kids loved their goody bags – especially the space man food – now that beats chocolate coins in the stocking doesn’t it?!

For more information go to the Science Museum Shop

Super Busy Mum

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