“Mummy, Mummy, Mummmmmmmmmy….let’s make some fluffy (pronounced fuwuffy) bunny ears”… how could I refuse?
“Ok Kate – but can I take photos while you make them?”
The photographer’s daughter sighs, in a notably and suddenly teenaged way, … senses that a deal may be struck here..
“Can I do ALL the painting and ALL the cutting and ALL the glueing?” “………………………………ok”
So here is Kate’s guide to making these adorable fuwuffy bunny ears just in time for Easter.
Gather all your equipment. White card. Scissors. Cotton wool. Glue. Stapler. Paint – if you’re Kate this will need to be pink paint. Grey or brown would also be eggscellent.
Draw bunny ear shapes.
Cut out bunny ear shapes and concentrate REALLY REALLY hard.
Squeeze paint. Make sure it’s a pink pink.
Review progress and reinforce outcome. Bunny ears, Mummy.
Paint carefully cut out bunny ears. Note that by now “someone” has done the more boring job of making a circle of card that fits neatly on my head.
Paint card circle.
Shred some cotton wool balls until extra fuwuffy.
Squeeze glue tube. With vim and vigour.
Spread glue on bunny ears. Sprinkle cotton wool on gluey ears.
Leave ears and card circle to dry for minimum time possible. Staple ears to card circle.
(We attached the ears to some extra card to reinforce them for a hard afternoon’s play at Sgoil Araich/Nursery)
Place bunny ears on head. Job done.
More makes from Kate tomorrow:)
Rosie x