One of the reasons I love living in London is the buzz: Constantly finding new things to see and do. Obviously, London can come with quite a hefty price tag, so it’s always good to find things that are free. One such place which is new, very interesting and free is the third floor of the Alexander McQueen’s showroom, at 27 Old Bond Street.

First of all, just take a moment to appreciate where the flagship store is – Old Bond Street. The epitome of high-end luxury couture. The Alexander McQueen Flagship store is no different, with the first two floors with its sleek wooden floors and spiral staircase, showcasing the latest collections for men and women. However, up on the 3rd floor, is a little surprise.

The third floor is an ‘experiential space’, created to inspire a whole new generation of fashion designers. The space will exhibit archive pieces from the MacQueen collection and also showcase up-and-coming young designers and it will also hold various talks.

Currently, the space is exhibited the inspiration behind the SS19 collection. From the mood boards, to the paper templates, to artwork that has inspired the current pieces in the collection, it is all here for you to see the ideas behind the creation. I think fashion has a bit of a bad name these days; fast fashion has meant the industry has been rather tarred, yet here, you can see the works are quite literally, pieces of art.

This is a must for any budding fashion designer, or a child studying art or textiles.


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#McQueenUnlockingStories is now on display at the new #AlexanderMcQueen flagship, #27OldBondStreet

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We also went for a snoop around the rest of the store. The staff are very warm and welcoming and more than happy to tell you about the pieces and the stories behind their creation. It was a fascinating morning.

In addition, the store-frontage  is worth a trip alone – it is displayed with the most beautiful butterfly decorations.

For more information on the space, please visit Alexander MacQueen Instagram page.


Suitcases and Sandcastles