Each ‘special day’ me and my brothers cook for our parents. This is what I whipped up for Mothers’ Day…I had pulled the short straw and was on mains. (Can I just remind people that I am a mother too now – when do I get my Mothers’ Day…Hmmmmm?!) I went for a chicken one pot wonder!

Chicken thighs with squashed new potatoes and multicoloured tomatoes

If it happened to be summertime that I might have grabbed a lot of this from our little veggie patch, otherwise I get down to the shops and buy this to serve 10 (there’s quite a lot of us!):

  • 1.5kg of new potatoes
  • 24 skin on chicken thighs
  • 1.5kg of the prettiest, colourfulest(!) tomatoes in an assortment of shapes and sizes
  • Fresh garlic chopped and added to your taste (in my house that means a minimum of half a bulb!)
  • A bag of shallots
  • A red onion or two
  • Oregano a decent bunch full – dried will do the job if you can’t find fresh
  • Olive Oil
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Red Wine Vinegar
  • Sea Salt
  • Black Pepper

How to do it:

Boil the potatoes until cooked.

Preheat your oven to 200 C/Gas 6.

Have fun chopping the chicken thighs into three strips- rub the meat in Olive Oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Heat up some Olive Oil in a frying pan and squeeze the chicken in nice and tight once the oil is hot. Cook the chicken in two batches if you don’t have a pan big enough. Fry it for around 10 mins.

By this time your potatoes will be cooked, drain them and crush them a bit between your thumbs.

Bash up the oregano, with a pinch of salt, in a pestle and morta. Add 8 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, a good splash of the vinegar and some pepper and give it all a good bashing. My fave bit!

Add this mixture to the chicken with the potatoes and the tomatoes, onions, shallots and garlic as well as the rest of the oregano leaves. Toss everything together then lay out in a baking tray or two.

Bake for 40 mins so it looks all golden and delicious.

Kaboooooom 🙂

I’m going to serve mine with some lovely Italian bread – probably ciabatta, a very simple Rocket Salad with a wedges of lemon. Yums!


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