by Megan Morgan | Feb 15, 2021 | DO IT, Uncategorized
There are many things we miss in lockdown, but for me, the closure of museums and art galleries is just heartbreaking. Online culture is fantastic, but nothing beats the real thing. Therefore, I’ve been seeking out culture in our local open spaces, and...
by Megan Morgan | Jan 10, 2020 | DO IT, Uncategorized
Happy New Year! And welcome back to the first edition of Cultured Kids in 2020, a new decade! May it be a decade full of culture, travel and exploration! We had a wonderful, cultural Christmas, with our annual visit to theatre as a family. This year, we decided to go...
by Vix | Jan 10, 2017 | Lifestyle, LOVES, Uncategorized
The Worst Witch I’d do a lot for my kids and it seems that getting up at 5am to drive them to a secret location in Cheshire turned out to be one of those things *yawn*. We were so very excited when Scarlett got a callback to say she had done really well at a...
by Vix | Feb 19, 2016 | Lifestyle, LOVES, Uncategorized
Do you remember the holidays taken when you were young and carefree? I do. Two weeks of lying on the beach, making my transparent, corned beefesque skin just a little bit more freckly, downing shots of unknown ingredients throughout the night, washing the following...
by Rosie Woodhouse | Oct 30, 2015 | DO IT, Uncategorized
This week we are giving over our Image of the Week to pumpkin carving – which is becoming quite the art form now and so much easier than the turnip lanterns that we used to make when I was wee. We are also supporting the #Carveaheart campaign by World Vision...
by Vix | Oct 9, 2015 | Lifestyle, Uncategorized
This week the team have been out and about, experiencing all that this wonderful season has to offer. Everywhere we look there’s a photo opportunity but Autumn just brings that certain something extra to the party. Go forth with your DSLR or your point and shoot...