by Melissa | Oct 18, 2013 | MAKE IT, PRINTABLES
It’s Friday, and round these parts, we’re a bit weary. To get us through the day, there’s nothing for it but a nice bit of cake. At TMK, we love cake so much, that we’ve accumulated a fair few recipes and activities that are, er, cake-based....
by Melissa | Jul 26, 2013 | LUNCHBREAK, PRINTABLES, THOUGHTS
On my very first day of primary school, I was too small to reach the water fountain in the playground and I had to ask two children I didn’t know to lift me up to get a drink. Oh the shame. Clearly this was before every child carried a mandatory water bottle and...
by Melissa | Jun 18, 2013 | MAKE IT, PRINTABLES
Now, before we get stuck into this nifty make project, I’d like to point out that there is a world of difference between paper cutting (eg. proper art) and what I’m about to show you, but we all have to start somewhere, particularly if your helpers have...
by Melissa | Jun 11, 2013 | MAKE IT, PRINTABLES
Alert! Alert! Fathers’ Day is this Sunday, 16th of June. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you will have already noticed that the aisles of Boots are groaning with toiletry sets of Brut and petrol stations are offering you deluxe car tool sets at the...
by Melissa | Mar 10, 2013 | PRINTABLES
Happy Mothers’ Day you lovely lot. Today we’re spending time with our families so we bring you this fun typographical poster to print, pin or share. [stextbox id=”tmk-box”]DOWNLOAD THE PRINTABLE A3 POSTER Free for personal use....
At Truly Madly HQ, we love our mums and we love celebrating the successes of mums we know, but sometimes, ok, often, I catch myself doing something that I know my mother would never have done and quite frankly, would definitely win me a disappointed face and pursed...