As we enter into the fourth week of lockdown, I thought I would share more of the great resources that our wealth of museums and art galleries are sharing. This post, I thought I would concentrate on specifically art activities for children.

Two Temple Place

I was a volunteer at Two Temple Place, which holds an exhibition every winter. Unfortunately, this year’s was cut short, which is an incredible shame as it was a beautiful exhibition. This year was  Unbound: Visionary Women Collecting Textiles. The exhibitions featured textiles and costumes collected by women who had seen that these items held important social and cultural importance. You can see the exhibition over on Two Temple’s Facebook page:

The exhibition catalogue is available for download too.

Sadly, all the family art workshops had to be cancelled, but they have shared all their family art activities online. The activities include origami, paper weaving and block printing.

National Portrait Gallery

The National Portrait Gallery has a series of activity books originally designed for hospital patients, which are full of fun, quick art activities based on their collections called Playful Portraits, Magical Journeys and My Superheroes.

Dulwich Picture Gallery

Dulwich Picture Gallery was the first ever purpose-built gallery in the world and since its opening in 1811 has been committed to sharing art for the ‘public’s inspection’. And during a time of self-isolation this is no different, and they have shared seven different art activities to do as a family.

Natural History Museum

For the dinosaur-loving kids out there, The Natural History Museum have a whole range of crafts that are Dino-inspired. Additionally, you’ll find crafts to support the wildlife in your own garden such as making bird feeders and keeping a wildlife journal.

Art activities for children from Museums

Royal Museums Greenwich

My friends over at The Royal Museums Greenwich have some art actives inspired by their collections: Inspired by Ponko the penguin who is part of the collection at the National Maritime Museum you can follow this tutorial to make a finger penguin puppet. Also, with there being a few loo rolls lying about, The Royal Museums have come up with the idea of creating a colossal sea creature!

Over on Instagram, you will also find a colouring in The Armada portrait of Queen Elizabeth I, you can also download it from the RMG website.

Please see my other posts to keep your children entertained throughout lockdown including resources for secondary school children, resources for ballet-loving kids, sports equipment for small gardens and exhibitions to visit online!