For a while we we’re lucky enough to live in a lovely Victorian apartment with no neighbours living above us. Then, a noise. Then more noise, and before we knew it there were hairy arsed builders all over the place ruining our quiet haven. There was a skip that kept being filled with interesting things though, so I kept my mouth shut about the noise levels.
My instincts didn’t fail me when I saw the unit pictured above, discarded next to the skip and being rained on. Mum brought me up with manners so I did ask the owners if I could have it and after they scoffed and snorted, they then actually helped me carry it.
Standing back and reflecting upon my recent addition I noticed that someone, at some point, had blindfolded themselves, turned around three times and threw some beige coloured paint in it’s general direction, completely missing one drawer in the process.
It has taken me a week to sand it down, scrape layers of paint off the handles and give it 3 coats of eggshell paint but I’m very pleased with the result. The transformation isn’t a massive one, I’ve pretty much just tidied it up and made it one uniform colour but, for me, this is so very satisfying. A fab family project (the kids helped me paint it) and something that will be in our home for a few years to come. It didn’t cost too much either – 1 roll of wallpaper from the Laura Ashley sale, £6:00 (for the inside doors) – 1 litre tin of eggshell paint in Orchid, £15:00 (don’t skimp on this, please), a couple of pieces of sandpaper and some new paintbrushes, £5:00.
£26:00 in total for a great, useful bit of furniture. Not too shabby eh?
What do you think? A great project or do you prefer to buy new?
There’s some great renovation ideas over on our PINTEREST board, hop on over and see.
Think big and reach for the stars,
Vix x