Rowan ColemanThe third letter in our series, from Rowan Coleman, talented and prolific novelist and TMK supporter.

This year Rowan has undertaken to send a handwritten letter every week of the year to lucky recipients nominated by her Facebook and Twitter friends. We are delighted to be able to reproduce them here and give her three cheers for the lost art of writing letters by hand.

Her recipients are an eclectic mix: young and old, friends and strangers and mostly people who might enjoy a kind word or some light-hearted advice.


This week, words of advice to Kirsten & Stewart, on getting married.

Dear Kirsten & Stewart

Congratulations on your engagement! Getting engaged is the best fun in the world, and Kirsten, trying on wedding dresses is frankly the most fun I have ever had. (Sometimes I still go and try them on just for fun – don’t tell anyone).

Stewart – your lovely sister Victoria, asked me to write to you on the occaision (did I spell that right?) of your engagement, as part of my challenge to write 52 letters by hand in 2014. So I thought I’d give you some tips on a successful marriage (I am married!). Tips that I think will ensure your happiness for years to come – and yes Stewart, you can use this letter for your groom’s speech. You’re welcome.

1. When you go out to eat, if you feel like chips or ice-cream, order them. Don’t say you don’t want any and then pick at the other person’s food. THIS IS VERY ANNOYING. It can build up a whole heap of repressed anxiety waiting to explode over a packet of crisps or something.

Memory Book2. ‘I LOVE YOU’ are not the most important words you will say to each other – they are the second most. The most important words you can say to each other are ‘I’msorry’ or ‘I was wrong’. Think about it. Sometimes we all get into a bit of a pickle about something, feel wronged or hurt or angry and often, if you are fighting with the person you feel closest to in the world, it’s easier to be stubborn and stroppy. So my advice to you it to take yourself off into a corner and ask yourself – “Am I being a bit of a plank here?” If the answer is yes, back down and apologise. And if you are on the receiving end of an apology, be gracious and accept it. Don’t hold a grudge.

3. Make each other LAUGH. Life can be tough, but if you can always find a reason to laugh together, you will always be able to stick together, through thick and thin.

4. Don’t forget to say the second-most important words to each other every day. Be friends, be lovers and be wonderful. Wishing you a very happy life together.

Lots of love, Rowan xx

PS. Shall I buy a hat? I am available for bridesmaid duty.



I would highly recommend following Rowan on Twitter (she is most excellently entertaining) and while you’re at it, follow her on Facebook too.

[stextbox id=”tmk-box”]THE MEMORY BOOK – Rowan’s latest novel is available now from Amazon.[/stextbox]